Adirondack 46ers Trailhead Steward Training Agenda 2025

Saturday, April 12th, and Sunday, April 27th, and Saturday, May 10th, and Saturday, June 21st
You only need to attend one session, but all stewards must attend one session in 2025

Adirondack Educational Center conference room
711 State Route 3
Saranac Lake
Park in back parking lot, enter conference room

8:00 am: Gather, complete paperwork, distribute uniform shirts*, Introductions, About TSP, discussion of feedback from previous season

9:00 am: NYSDEC Forester/Land Manager, Tate Connor Why we are here / Q&A

10:00 am: NYS DEC Forest Ranger if available/Common regulations/errors/Q&A

11:00 am: LNT/hikeSafe – Consistency of messaging is important

12:00 pm: Lunch on your own – note limited time you may wish to bring lunch

12:30 pm: LNT/hikeSafe – Consistency of messaging is important

1:30pm: Authority of the Resource/Interacting with public/Q&A/

2:00 pm: Your responsibilities/review of the handbook and site locations/Demos

3:00 pm: Supporting and recognizing your work, service award hrs, fb page/Q&A

4:00 pm: Dismissal

*If you have a shirt you would like to return for a different size, please bring it with you. Please complete the required on line Sexual Harassment training and read and sign the Code of Conduct prior to this class. Have your 46er number with you!

By providing hikers with information prior to hitting the trail, you are providing them with an experience that will be successful, fun, safe, and protects the lands and mountains they are enjoying. Thank you for participating in the Adirondack 46ers Trailhead Steward Program.

trailhead steward patch

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