We Love Us

ADK 46er Recognition Background and Philosophy

At the Fall 2019 executive meeting, Adirondack 46er President Siobhan Carney-Nesbitt appointed a committee to investigate ways to increase volunteerism and recognize the contributions of those that did volunteer.

Historically, the 46ers had gathered information and recognized the contributions of the Trail Crew in terms of hours (at a rate of 8hrs per day worked on trail crew). Those hours were recorded by Trail Masters, collated, and many trail crew members recognized with patches (and t-shirts at one level) according to how many hours they had accumulated; 46, 146, 346, 546, 746, 1046. In subsequent years, those who were on staff at the Outdoor Leadership (now Skills) Workshop, Trailhead Stewards, Herd Path Adopters, Adopt-A-Highway volunteers, and the current Correspondents were added, with set hours assigned for participation in those projects. In 2024 our LNT education crew were also included in the program.

The Founders Award was established prior to 2006 as another way in which, historically, other volunteers had been acknowledged. These other volunteer contributions included those serving as Directors, Committee Chairs, Correspondents (particularly in the transition from Grace herself) and other elected and appointed positions. 94 individuals were recognized with this award from 2006 to 2018 inclusive. These volunteers had never been asked to track the hours they spent/accumulated in conducting that work. They readily agreed to assist the organization with no expectation of earning any hours.

In 2021 the Recognition Committee asked the Board of Directors (BOD) to approve a new procedure that would recognize volunteer hours from that date forward (It was carried, as per the Sept 26 minutes). While contributions of elected and appointed volunteers were greatly appreciated, the hours spent in those voluntary elected and appointed positions were not “grandfathered in” as they had never been asked to track hours and they were recognized in other ways; that is, the Founders Award.

It would be a Herculean task to go back to the beginning of the organization and try to reconstruct the significant contributions of those individuals, but every effort will be made going forward to utilize the approved policy should individuals volunteer for one of our existing programs.

The new policy, adopted by the board in 2021, continues the historical one, in that elected and appointed individuals serve with no expectation of receiving hours for their time. Their time is greatly appreciated but voluntarily given to the organization. Other participants in the approved 46er volunteer programs of OSW, AAH, TSP, Trail Crew, LNT Educators and Correspondents are awarded volunteer time according to the newly adopted policy.

The same committee, amalgamated with members of the Founders’ Award committee, recommended that the Founders Award be replaced with a more comprehensive award, namely, The President’s Award. This award would continue the spirit of the Founders Award in that it would be a way to acknowledge and thank those who have served in a variety of capacities, such as elected or appointed positions. It would have an updated approach that allows for nominations of people in all volunteer roles, from members, followed by a committee-based selection process.

This award received approval from the BOD. The process of nomination/ deliberation/ announcement of recipients began in the fall of 2023, with the first recipients at the spring meeting 2024.

Adirondack 46ers President’s Award


The Adirondack 46ers organization is unique in many aspects. Chief among those ways is that it is, and always has been, run entirely by volunteers. In fact, it could be said that without the commitment and effort by these hundreds, if not thousands, of people over a 75-year history, the organization would not likely exist.

Historically, the 46ers had gathered information and recognized the contributions of the Trail Crew in terms of hours. Those hours were recognized with patches according to how many hours they had accumulated; i.e., 46, 146, 346, 546, 746, and 1046. Other volunteer contributions such as those serving as Directors, Committee Chairs, and other elected and appointed positions had never been asked to track the hours they spent/accumulated in conducting that work. Those elected and appointed volunteers readily agreed to assist the organization with no expectation of earning any hours or other accolades. The Founders Award was established as a way in which historically these persons had been acknowledged.

As volunteer projects expanded, with the addition of the Outdoor Skills Workshop, Trailhead Stewards, Adopt-A-Highway, Herd Path Maintenance, LNT Educators, and Correspondents, the eligibility for volunteer service hours (VSH) expanded. However, the Founders’ Award was not given appropriate timely attention and updating.

This need led to the melding of the Recognition Committee (who had developed the current Volunteer Service Hours protocols) with the Founders’ Award Committee. This joint group undertook the task to reform the criteria for the Founders’ Award, or develop something new.

The new committee has developed an entirely new award, The President’s Award, with its own criteria. It will replace the Founders’ Award. The first recipients were honored at the spring meeting in May 2024.

2024 Awards

Phil Corell #224WV – Phil has been a long time member of the organization, completing his climbs in 1962 at the age of 16. He has served as President of the organization from 1981 – 1984 and again from 1993 – 1994. Phil served for 49 years in the Outdoor Skills Workshop, as a Cook /Group Leader and Instructor and in a leadership role for many years. Phil took the reins as Treasurer in 2001, guiding the club’s finances through a time of great expansion, allowing us to become a major benefactor for other organizations in the area. Over the course of time, Phil has provided leadership, thoughtful and experienced perspectives, support, and guidance in various committee roles and with special events. Phil’s leadership for more than 6o years is truly immeasurable. He continues to be a supportive, experienced, and guiding force today. Phil continues to find time and energy to climb today. Phil also served the outdoor community through his affiliation with Camp Pok-O-MacCready for 50 years.

The organization has benefited from Phil’s expertise and generosity of time for many, many years. While the Forty-Sixers provide recognition and acknowledgment for the hours that our volunteers give to the organization, we would never be able to count the hours that Phil has given this organization. Phil has always selflessly stepped forward and given of his time to benefit the Forty-Sixers, never asking for recognition or rewards. If ever there were a person who exemplified what it means to be a Forty-Sixer, to give back to the mountains we love and the communities we recreate in, it would be Phil Corell.

Becky Swem #7306WV Becky completed her climbs in 2011 on Saddleback and her winter round in. She quickly became a frequent contributor with the trail crew and as soon as the Trailhead Steward program began, she signed up to assist fellow climbers as a Steward. She is completing her third year as a Director, always stepping forward to volunteer for committees, and is a busy mom too! Becky is always thoughtful and brings interesting perspectives to discussions. She has been a Correspondent and attended Adopt a Highway outings. Becky has accumulated over 546 volunteer hours in addition to her work as a Director and on various committees. Becky has had an active role in our social media sites, including putting together volunteer stories about their work.

Outside of the 46er organization, Becky has been involved in the ADK Winter Host program, she cofounded and led monthly “Pride” hikes for the Green Mt Club LGBTQ Community, and organized the University of Vermont Venture Out Project in 2018 which “envisions a world where queer, trans, and LGBTQ youth and adults create community, develop leadership skills, and gain confidence through the shared experience of outdoor adventure and physical activity.”

Becky has also done interviews about her hiking accomplishments and volunteerism for Vermont Public Radio. Becky is also a Winter 115er. Never shying away from a task, Becky is always an energetic contributor and a role model for how a young person, with a family and a job can still contribute to the organization and the places they love.

Brian Hoody #4410WV Brian completed his climbs in 1998 on Mt. Marcy and his winter climbs in Brian has served as President, Vice President and past President.

Brian was involved in the development of the Trailhead Steward Program, the Trademark work, organizes all of the Trail Crew documentation and has been a trailmaster for 3 years. Brian’s involvement in numerous committees has been observable and measurable through the years and his contributions continue today.

Brian is an author, a contributor to PEEKS, he has attended stewardship conferences, and continues to do outreach presentations today. Brian is a busy Dad and helps coach his kids sports teams. Unfortunately Brian was caught up in the transition from Founders Award to new volunteer recognition opportunities such as the V patch and has not acknowledged previously. Brian brings a passion for the outdoors, a calming demeanor, and many skill sets to all of his volunteer tasks. Whether it is grubbing in the mud, behind the scenes organization paperwork, or sharing his thoughts on a legal issue, Brian is there!

      Criteria for the President’s Award

      In brief, recipients of the award will have demonstrated significant, exemplary service to the Adirondack 46ers and its client community for a lengthy time, typically in more than one area of service. The following criteria should be met (and considered a minimum for being nominated):

      • Volunteer service to the 46ers includes service not otherwise recognized, i.e., by Volunteer Service Hours.
      • Service has been in support of, and compliant with, the vision and mission of the Adirondack 46ers.
      • Service has been for an aggregate of at least five (5) years.
      • Service has been rendered in two or more areas essential to the effective, efficient, and lawful operation of the organization, that is, non-tangible work such as elected position(s) and/or committee membership/leadership.
      • Tangible contributions, i.e. VSH.
      • Must currently be engaged in an active role with the 46ers as an executive member, committee member, or active in a volunteer program.

      Additionally, nominees may also illustrate broader support of their communities in other volunteer roles (e.g., but not limited to, leadership in a local hiking or conservation group: this is illustrative only).

      If you wish to nominate someone, please download these three documents:

      Remember the deadline is 31 December for awards presented at the spring meeting of the following year.

      Tips for Success:
      -read and follow the instructions in the above documents
      -nominations need to have supporting documentation, including supporting writeups from other members

      The Physical Award and related Recognition

      A physical plaque with the official emblem of the 46ers; affixed below the emblem is a personalized engraving with the recipient’s name, date presented, and a few words about their contributions.

      Sample image below: (Wording is illustrative only; subject to change)

      The emblem should be cast metal, similar to the ones used on the belt buckles that were sold at one time.

      We recommend that the wood used be “local”, with each slab being unique in some way.

      Volunteer Service Hours

      How the Program Works

      Forty-sixers give back in many ways through volunteer service. As of September 2024, participants in the following approved activities can accumulate volunteer service hours (VSH):

      Trail Crew
      Outdoor Skills Workshop Staff
      Trailhead Stewarding
      Trailless Peak (“Herd Path”) Maintenance
      LNT Education Team

      Program coordinators will record hours served throughout each calendar year, and submit totals on or about 31 December. Because many members volunteer in more than one program, one may accrue more VSH than from just one event.

      Once all VSH from all programs have been tabulated, members who reach milestones (i.e., 46, 146, 346, 546, 746, or 1946 hours total) will be notified. Normally, patches are awarded in person at the Spring meeting; those unable to attend will receive patches in the mail. Note: Patches are awarded in any given year based on one’s cumulative VSH as of 31 December of the previous year. They are not, at this time, “automatic” as our process is an annual one. Bear with us, as at the time of writing this, some changes in the process are on the horizon.

      Volunteer Service Award hours patch with gold patch transition
      Complete Volunteer Services Awards patch

      Badge of Honor (The Gold Award)

      The most visible way in which 46ers (and non-46ers) give back to the mountains we live is through trail work, which is a main focus of the 46ers’ stewardship mission. Perhaps less visible (but just as vital!) is the work put in by volunteers on the education front, by way of the Outdoor Skills Workshop, trailhead stewarding, LNT educators and the correspondent program. The value of these and other efforts was recognized (again) at our recent board meeting, and we laid out an expanded plan to thank and recognize those who give their time in furtherance of the 46ers’ mission.

      The current system of recording “hours” will be retained, but will now be called “Volunteer Service Hours.” Milestone hours will continue to be recognized (46, 146, 346, 546, 746, 1046 and – gasp 2046 hours, the equivalent to one year of full-time work) and volunteers who reach these milestones will be recognized and celebrated in Peeks.

      146 hours patch with gold transition patch

      Those who have recorded more than 146 hours will be eligible to have an enhanced 46er patch. It will be the same one we currently use, but with a prominent gold border. Furthermore, those who have surpassed this same mark will be entitled to use the suffix “V.” Winter 46er who have surpassed the mark can use “WV,” rather than advertise for a car manufacturer.

      Volunteer hours can currently be accrued by recorded 46ers for, Adopt-A-Highway work, correspondent work, volunteering at the Outdoor Skills Workshop, being on the trail crew, being active with our LNT education teams, and being a trailhead steward. Because sexual harassment and other training is required for these, those training hours will also be tallied for inclusion.

      We want to stress that we believe that giving back is its own reward, but that receiving a tangible “thank you” and public recognition are always appreciated. We also hope that by being public with our thanks to our volunteers, we can attract more people to join in on the giving back.

      Founders Award

      The Founders Award is awarded to members who have contributed three or more years of service to the 46er organization in some approved capacity. These are presented at the Fall Meeting each year. [Note: The Fall Meeting of September 2011 was cancelled following hurricane Irene, consequently no awards were presented for the year. Awards were not presented in 2017, and 2018 due to there was not a founders award committee.]

      Founder's award patch

      2019, 8 Founders Award Recipients

      Dan Kane #7532Director/Historian Office
      Hank Sondheimer #1626Director
      Laurie Rankin #5525WDirector/TSP Committee
      Pete Hickey #3202Trailmaster/Director
      Doug Varney #6468WDirector/Trailmaster
      Dan Stec #7348Director/Grace Peak Committee
      John Barron #4945Recording Secretary
      Fran Shumway #7097Director/TSP Committee

      2016, 8 Recipients

      Sally HoyPast President
      Don McMullenOutdoor Skills Workshop
      Nancy BuckleyCorrespondent
      Bob CiecieregaCorrespondent
      Marta Bolton QuilliamCorrespondent
      Gail SandersCorrespondent
      Dean GiulianoDirector
      Chris SekellikDirector

      2015, 9 Recipients

      Joe RyanDirector/Correspondent
      Brian SutherlandDirector
      Tom WheelerPresident
      Doug ArnoldGrace Peak Committee
      Phil CorellTreasurer/President
      Tom FaulknerCorrespondent
      Mike GebhardCorrespondent
      Millie GittingerCorrespondent
      Ben TennysonCorrespondent

      2014, 10 Recipients

      Siobhan Carney-Nesbitt #5930WSiobhan recently completed a term as Director, was a herdpath adopter for Tabletop, a correspondent for many years and currently co-chairs the Office of the Historian
      Marilee Urbanczyk #3530Marilee has prepared the 46er climbing certificates since 1990.
      Mike Becker #1889WMike has prepared the annual statistical summary of the finishers (“PEEKS Sketches”) for PEEKS magazine for the last 20 years. He also prepared the club roster for the last 46er book.
      Joe Busch #3814Joe has been a volunteer in the Office of the Historian for 20 years doing a variety of porojects including creating the first database of recorded finishers.
      Joe Bogardus #3342Joe recently completed a term as Director, donated hundreds of hours of voluntary trail work and has served as a Trailmaster since 2010.
      Gary Koch #1137WGary has served as a correspondent since 2003 and has donated hundreds of hours to trailwork each year.
      Tony Solomon #3626WTony helped Grace run the Historian’s Office and then took over her responsibilities as Head Historian in 2000. He continued in that capacity (with a little help from his friends) until his retirement in 2013.
      Ken Ryba #1661WKen served as a Director and has been on the staff of the Outdoor Skills Workshop for almost 30 years. For the past several years he has co-chaired the OSW.
      Sharp Swan #566WSharp served as a Director and has been on the staff of the Outdoor Skills Workshop for over 30 years. He contributed chapters in the previous two 46er books.
      Christine Bourjade #4967WChristine served as a correspondent since 2001 and wrote the Boulder Report for several years. She contributed a chapter in the last 46er book, designed the 46er webpage, and has donated many hours of trail work.

      2013, 9 Recipients

      Jim Barnshaw #2156WJim was Club President from 2006 to 2009 and helped develop the Founder’s Award Program.
      Chuck Bennett #1934Chuck served as a Director and an assistant to Grace in the Historian’s Office. He helped Ed Ketchledge with the reseeding and earned his Conservation Service Award. Chuck developed and produced 46er promotional items including the 46er Board Game and the “Then and Now” DVD.
      Herb Clark #1Herb was a guide for the Marshall Brothers. All three of them finished June 10, 1925
      Marilyn Corson #2686Marilyn has been involved with the 46ers for over 25 years, from initially maintaining and changing out the summit log books to becoming a correspondent after the removal of the summit canisters.
      Mindy Jatulis #2383Mindy has been directly involved with the Historian’s Office since 1995 and continues that work today. He has also been a correspondent since 1998 and has written over 3500 letters.
      Fred Johnson #1788Fred was a Director and received the 46 Hour Conservation Serv ice Award. Fred was known as the 46er’s “Ideas Man” and designed the club’s t-shirts, hat, and belt buckle. He also worked assisting Grace in the Historian’s Office.
      Walter Johnson #4101Walt has received his 1046 Hour Conservation Service Award and continues to be a constant trail volunteer.
      Curt Snyder #4608WCurt has been a Director and is fast approaching his 346 hour Conservation Service Award.
      Barbara Traver #2241Barbara has been a Director and has served as a correspondent since 1997. She also acts as the Vesper Service Coordinator.

      2012, 10 Recipients

      Matt Clark #4373WMatt served as a Director and has performed over 146 hours of trail work.
      Jim Coyne #3815Jim served as a Director and was a Trail Master from 2006 to 2012 and has over 746 hours of trail work.
      Pam Keida  #3533 and
      Sherri Martin #3534
      This sister tag team have been Directors, and both have over 546 hours of trail work.  They also are involved with the annual Outdoors Skills Workshop and Spring Banquets. – OSW
      Don Kinnear #3019Don has been a Spring Banquet Volunteer, a Director and has over 1,046 hours of trail work.
      Mike McLean #3869WMike has been a Director and has been the Winter Correspondent since 2002.
      Jane Nye  #4142Jane has been a Director and been involved with the Historian’s Office for numerous years and is the Archivist for the club.
      Alan Ratcliff #1129Alan was responsible for the initial Development of the 46er Web Site and maintained the site for several years.
      John Rutledge #3553WJohn served as a Director and had over 46 hours of trail service.  Sadly John passed away before the award could be presented. His family attended the Fall Meeting to accept the award in his behalf.
      S. Garen Szablewski #5376Garen has helped the Historian’s Office in many ways for several years.

      2010, 2 Recipients

      Len GrubbsYears of Service -Trailmaster/Director
      CSA (Conversation Service Award) 1046 hours
      Mary Lou RecorPast President/Director/Secretary
      CSA 346 hours

      2009, 2 Recipients

      Pat DesbiensDirector/DEC Camps Coordinator
      CSA 146 hours
      Peggy MacKellarFormer Director, Winter Banquet Coordinator
      CSA 46 hours

      2008, 6 Recipients

      Pete FishDirector/OSW staff
      CSA 46 hours
      Ron KonowitzDirector/OSW staff
      CSA 46 hours
      Bill Lasher #1277
      Patsy MeyersDirector
      Helen MenzDirector/Did it all!
      Connie MorrisonDirector/Trails
      CSA 746 hours

      2007, 13 Recipients

      Nancy AllenPresident
      CSA 346 hours
      Chris G. BehrTrailmaster
      CSA 1046 hours
      Chris M. BehrTrailmaster
      CSA 1046 hours
      June BehrDirector/Trailmaster/President
      CSA 1046 hours
      Jules ComeauPresident/OSW Coordinator
      CSA 46 hours
      Don HoffmanPresident
      CSA 46 hours
      David LancePEEKS Editor
      CSA 346 hours
      Suzanne LancePEEKS Editor/Book Editor
      CSA 546 hours
      Martha PrecheurDirector/WFA Program Coordinato
      CSA 46 hours
      George SloanPresident
      CSA 346 hours
      Tim TefftPresident/OSW Coordinator/Book Editor
      CSA 546 hours
      Joe TuronPEEKS Editor
      LJ Van NordenDirector

      2006, 13 Recipients

      Werner BachliPresident
      Jim BaileyPresident/OSW
      William FrenettePresident
      Henry GermondPresident
      Jim GoodwinDirector/First Trailmaster
      CSA +
      Barb HarrisPresident/Director
      CSA 146 hours
      Wally HerrodPresident
      CSA 46 hours
      Bill JohnsonDirector/Trailmaster
      CSA 1046 hours
      Ed KetchledgeDirector/President/Summit Seeding
      Winifred LambPresident
      Carol ReeseDirector
      F.L. Peter StonePresident
      Joe UrbanczykPresident/Trailmaster
      CSA 1046 hours