Become a Correspondent and help aspiring climbers along their journey. A time honored tradition of the 46ers has been our Correspondent Program. For many years Grace Hudowalski, the first woman to climb all 46 peaks and the first president of the organization wrote to aspiring climbers. She shared her expertise and love of the mountains with new climbers and encouraged them in their journey. Armed with nothing more than a typewriter and a love of the mountains, she wrote to each of those who were trying to climb all 46 peaks.

If you would like to continue this tradition and help new climbers, please email Kristen Peek, Chair, Correspondent Program at

correspondence patch

Sexual Harassment Training & Policy

Please take note that in 2020, the 46er Executive Board of Directors adopted a new Code of Conduct and Sexual Harassment policy. ALL volunteers will now be required to take the approved sexual harassment online training AND sign the 46er Code of Conduct and Sexual Harassment policy annually*** PRIOR to participating in any volunteer activities.

If you are considering volunteering, please allow yourself enough time to complete the training, which takes approximately 45-50 minutes, so that information can be submitted and entered into our database for reference at each event. Training certificates and signed policies will not be accepted by leaders at events. The Executive Board approved that you will earn 1 hour toward your Volunteer Service Award (VSA) for completing the online training once both your certificate of training completion and signed policy is submitted. Screenshots of training certificates AND signed policies must be sent to Volunteer Coordinators AND emailed directly to our database coordinator at

The link to the approved online training and policy can be found here: We have adopted this policy to protect not only our wonderful and dedicated volunteers, but also the organization that we love. We appreciate your efforts to give back to the mountains.