Peeks Magazine

Adirondack PEEKS is the biannual magazine of the Adirondack Forty-Sixers, Inc. The magazine includes information on club-sponsored events and service projects, articles about the history and natural environment of the High Peaks area, and stories about hiking adventures in the Adirondacks and beyond.

The first issue was produced in the winter of 1963–64 as a 16-page mimeographed newsletter. From that simple beginning, PEEKS has evolved into a 40-plus page full color magazine. While the technical production quality of the publication has improved over the years, one thing hasn’t changed: The quality of the offering is dependent upon content which comes from you, the members and Aspiring Forty-Sixer members.


We are looking for any and all submissions for PEEKS. Send us poetry, prose, hybrid pieces, ecological essays, historical essays, mountain haiku, stories of mountain culture, adventure, activism, backpacking recipes, meditations on rocks, rewilding efforts, preservation accounts, photo essays, inspiration pieces on leave no trace, and anything 46er! Please include citations and acknowledgements when appropriate. Suggested length for prose: 1500–2000 words. Note: Your work may be edited for length and clarity. Send all submissions to:

Peeks Magazine – Online Issues


Please consider sending PEEKS your photos, whether or not you have an article to go along with them. Here are some guidelines for submissions:We welcome your photo submissions! All images should be a minimum 300 dpi. Submit only high-resolution, original photos as JPEGs or TIFFs. (Please note: Increasing the resolution of a previously saved file will not increase the image quality.) If the size of the file exceeds what your email server will permit, consider sharing them with us via a site like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.

Please include any required photographer credit. Identify everyone in the photo by name and include the date, place, and any other pertinent details about the photo. By submitting your photo to us, you understand that we may use it in the printed magazine, online, and/or on the Adirondack 46er social media pages.

If you’ve never seen an issue of PEEKSclick here to view a few pages from a recent issue.

In the Merchandise page, you can also buy a CD of back issues of PEEKS from 1964 to 2009. Click on the images below to sample a few of the early issues of PEEKS.

So you wish to receive Peeks Magazine: We no longer sell PEEKS subscriptions, but by registering to become an Aspiring/Contributing member of the 46ers you can receive both issues of PEEKS and our three newsletters for only $15 a year.

Here’s How: Create a website account if you don’t already have one, or login first if you do. Register as an “Aspiring/Contributing” member—that’s it! Your membership automatically renews if you use the subscription option but can be canceled at any time.

Questions? Contact our Membership Coordinator at ( In the Merchandise page, you can also buy a CD of Back Issues of “PEEKS Magazine”. Click on the images below to sample a few back issues: