2024 Trailhead Stewards Number Are In

Final numbers are in and everyone likes to hear numbers. Our trailhead stewards work under an agreement with NYS DEC at 2 locations, Cascade and Meadows Lane. We work Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holiday Mondays from Victoria Weekend in May through Columbus Day weekend in October. Our stewards are all experienced 46ers and are all volunteers. They work in all kinds of weather. You are all absolutely amazing in your generosity of time and in your assistance to other hikers and the Adirondack Mountains! Thank you all for making such a huge impact out there!
Volunteer hours: 2360
Cascade 11,473 hikers in 72 days for an average of 159 hikers per day.
Meadows Lane 5,791 hikers in 39 days for an average of 148
total hikers 17,264
total dogs: 1,184
total cars: 3,377 (DEC requests we count cars daily at each location in a certain area)
Slowest day: 1 @ ML
Best day: 717 @ ML
Slowest day: 13 @ Cascade
Best Day: 620 @ Cascade
3,906 just in the month of October for both sites, only 7 days at Cascade and 5 days at ML