Trail Crew Photos

Pictures from 2024

Trail Crew

The ADK 46er Trail Masters, on behalf of the ADK 46er Club welcome you to join a trail crew on an outing! You are sure to walk away feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride, and perhaps a newfound skill or two. Now, we can’t promise there won’t be bug bites, mud, and maybe a few sore muscles to go with…. but we’re hikers, that’s nothing new! Most of all we know that you will leave with a feeling of community and family, forged by hard work with newfound friends, who share your love of the Adirondacks. Everyone is welcome, no experience is needed to participate, and it is not required to be a registered 46er. All tools and daily direction supplied by the Trail Masters.

So, we encourage you, challenge you, to take the leap and choose one (maybe more!) outing and to join the 46er trail crew. There is bound to be something to fit your schedule. Come for one day or stay the weekend and camp out with the crew, whatever works for you. If you do, the next time you trod a trail, you’ll smile with pride knowing you made a positive change in the peaks.

After you sign up (link below), you will receive an email confirming your registration and then an email ~ 1 week before any/all events you signed for with more details and specifics.

Again and most importantly, THANK YOU once again for so generously giving of your time to do the work of the 46ers. You are the backbone of this organization, the heart and soul of this mighty group of hikers! The time you give back to the mountains is truly appreciated.

Thank you!

— The Adirondack 46er Trail Masters: Mark Simpson, Doug Varney, Curt Snyder, Brian Hoody, Michele McCall, Victoria Challingsworth, Tom Caruso, Tom Armstrong

2025 Trail Crew Signup and Schedule

It’s that time of year again to sign up for this year’s trail maintenance projects! There are a variety of cool projects this season and as you know the work never ends and we need strong backs! Please do not feel any pressure to do more than you can!

It is not required to be a 46er to volunteer, but you will need an ASP# that can be obtained by registering at Have either a 46er # or an ASP # ready before clicking on the sign-up form link below.

You will need to take the NYS Sexual Harassment course which can be found here: Please send the course completion certificate and signed policy to: and CC in

You will need to complete and sign in ink the 46er VSA Form found here: and the 46er Trail Crew Liability Waiver form which can be found here: Send both to or you can bring a filled out copy to the first outing that you attend.

This year’s Sign-Up link can be found here: Adirondack 46ers Trail Crew Sign-Up 2025. This year, we have expanded the selection of opportunities and also allow you to choose individual days as opposed to an event. More than one event may be on the same day, please try not to double book yourself. Also, we are offering (2) 3-day events! ALSO! , we are offering a chance for (8) volunteers to stay at Elk Lake Lodge that includes meals and accommodations during one of our events!

If you have any questions or issues with the form (or any of the other forms) please reach out to:

If within 3-4 days of the event, you wish to participate in an event that you did not sign up for or can not make it after you signed up, we really would like to know. We ask you please contact Mark at or call/text 518-791-4590.

We look forward to seeing your smiling faces in the woods! As always – THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING!

Your 2025 Trail Masters:
Tom Armstrong, Tom Caruso, Victoria Challingsworth, Brian Hoody, Michele McCall, Mark Simpson, Curt Snyder, Doug Varney

2025 ADK 46er Trail Crew Schedule

DatesWorksiteMeet Time and LocationProjectNOTESCamping DatesCampgroundCampsite Numbers
March 22Giant Mt. L2 Prep8:00 AM L2 HospitalPrepare L2 for Flight1no campingprovided
May 3Elk Lake / Dix Range7:30 AM at Frontier Town (A-Frame, Exit 29) for car pooling / 8:15 AM at Elk Lake TrailheadBlow down sweep and Drainage1no campingprovided
May 17-18Giant North Trail7:30 AM Giant North Trailhead, Route 9NBlow down sweep and Drainageno campingprovided
May 17-18Dix Round Pond Trail7:30 AM Round Pond Trailhead Route 73Blow down sweep and Drainageno campingprovided
May 24Whiteface7:30 AM at Reservoir TrailheadBlow down sweepMay 23-26Frontier TownSites 61, 62, 64
May 25Surprise Location Near Frontier Town7:30 AM at Frontier Town CampgroundBlow down sweepMay 23-26Frontier TownSites 61, 62, 64
May 31 – June 1Elk Lake / Dix Range7:30 AM at Frontier Town (A-Frame, Exit 29) for car pooling, 8:15 AM at Elk Lake TrailheadBlow down sweep and drainage2Lottery for accommodations atElk Lake Lodge for 8 lucky volunteers.Camping available on property.
June 14-15CATS Field and Forest Trail Bridge Reconstruction7:30 AM at Wadhams Lookout trailhead Route 22, WadhamsResurrect existing bridge damage by 2024 flooding1June 13-15Sharp BridgeSites 10, 11, 12
June 14-15Giant Mt. L2 Prep7:15 AM Giant Mt North Trailhead Route 9NClear site. Set Foundation.June 13-15Sharp BridgeSites 10, 11, 12
June 28-29CATS Spirit Sanctuary Bridge Reconstruction7:30 AM at Black Kettle Trailhead Cook Road, EssexResurrect existing bridge damage by 2024 flooding1June 27-29Frontier TownSites 10, 11, 12
June 28-29Cascade Porter New Trail7:30 AM at Open Field Space on Bobsled Run Lane (Mt Van Hoevenberg Area), just off Route 73New Trail ConstructionJune 27-29Sharp BridgeSites 10, 11, 12
July 12-13CATS Wild Way Passage Bridge Reconstruction7:30 AM at Black Kettle Trailhead Cook Road, EssexResurrect existing bridge damage by 2024 flooding1July 11-13Frontier TownSites 68, 69, 70
July 12-13Poke-O-Moonshine8:30 AM Ranger Trailhead / CampgroundsDrainageJuly 11-13Frontier TownSites 68, 69, 70
July 25-27Trail Crew Weekend #1 Calamity Brook Trail *Note – This is a 3-day event*7:15 AM at Frontier Town (A-Frame, Exit 29) for car pooling / 8:00 AM at Upper Works TrailheadTrail Hardening3July 24-27Frontier TownSites 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
Aug 9-10East Brook Bog Bridge (On Easement)7:15 AM at Frontier Town (A-Frame, Exit 29) for car pooling / 8:00 AM at Upper Works TrailheadBog Bridging, Trail Alignment Drainage ControlAug 8-10Sharp BridgeSites 10, 11, 12
Aug 23-24Calamity Brook Trail7:15 AM at Frontier Town (A-Frame, Exit 29) for car pooling / 8:00 AM at Upper Works TrailheadTrail HardeningAug 22-24Frontier TownSites 68, 69, 70
Sep 12-14Trail Crew Weekend #2 NCST *Note – This is a 3-day event*7:30 AM at Loch Muller TrailheadBlowdown / Trail Alignment3Sep 11-14Frontier TownSites 67, 68, 69, 70, 75
Sep 12-14Trail Crew Weekend #2 Calamity Brook Trail *Note – This is a 3-day event*7:15 AM at Frontier Town (A-Frame, Exit 29) for car pooling / 8:00 AM at Upper Works TrailheadTrail Hardening3Sep 11-14Frontier TownSites 67, 68, 69, 70, 75
Sep 27-28Giant Mt. L2 Prep7:15 AM Giant Mt North Trailhead Route 9NSet Foundation. Prep build.Sep 26-28Frontier TownSites 68, 69, 70
Oct 18-19Giant Mt. L2 Build7:15 AM Giant Mt North Trailhead Route 9NL2 Constructionno campingprovided

1Attendance is limited. Sign up will close on this event when it is full. Sign up early!
2Space is limited to 8 volunteers to stay at Elk Lake Lodge that includes Friday night- Sunday morning meals. It is expected for an awardee to be present and work Saturday and Sunday, arrival is Friday night. To anyone that signs up for the lottery, you will receive an email invite for a live ‘pull names from 46er hat’ in late April. Anyone that wishes to camp, Elk Lake Lodge has offered ground space for campers. We will be working both on Elk Lake Property (such as Sunrise Mtn. and Lightning Hill trails) AND the Dix Range trails this weekend.
3This is a 3 day event! The 46er Trail Masters will be providing dinner on Saturday night. Come for all three days or only one.

The logos may not be used without express written permission from the club

Volunteer Service Award Program

One of the 46ers primary Conservation Programs is the performance of volunteer trail work with the permission of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Our Trailmasters arrange a yearly schedule of activities which is announced each spring. Both members and Aspiring Forty-Sixers are encouraged to participate.

In conjunction with this program the Board has created the Volunteer Service Award program. The Recognition Committee maintain records of time spent by volunteers which qualifies the participants for recognition at various levels of service – 46 hours, 146 hours, 346 hours, 546 hours, 746 hours, and 1046 hours.

Sexual Harassment Training & Policy

Please take note that in 2020, the 46er Executive Board of Directors adopted a new Code of Conduct and Sexual Harassment policy. ALL volunteers will now be required to take the approved sexual harassment online training AND sign the 46er Code of Conduct and Sexual Harassment policy annually*** PRIOR to participating in any volunteer activities.

If you are considering volunteering, please allow yourself enough time to complete the training, which takes approximately 45-50 minutes, so that information can be submitted and entered into our database for reference at each event. Training certificates and signed policies will not be accepted by leaders at events. The Executive Board approved that you will earn 1 hour toward your Volunteer Service Award (VSA) for completing the online training once both your certificate of training completion and signed policy is submitted. Screenshots of training certificates AND signed policies must be sent to Volunteer Coordinators AND emailed directly to our database coordinator at

The link to the approved online training and policy can be found here: We have adopted this policy to protect not only our wonderful and dedicated volunteers, but also the organization that we love. We appreciate your efforts to give back to the mountains.