Member Roster of all recorded FORTY-SIXERS

A complete list of all recorded FORTY-SIXERS, including their climbing number, name, and dates of first and last ascent, and when applicable will be found a W next to the recorded number as well as the date of the winter status acquisition (both highlighted in blue). A “V” following a members number indicates that they have given at least 146 hours of volunteer service to the organization. Those member numbers are highlighted in gold: HERE.

You may also download a Zip file containing the roster in PDF format which you can then open in a 3rd-Party application such as Acrobat Reader. This will allow some users to zoom more easily if desired. Zip Download here.


Click HERE for number of Adirondack Forty-Sixers recorded each year since 1925 and of Winter Forty-Sixers since 1962.

Pictures of Our 2017 Class

Pictures of Our 2016 Class

Pictures of Our 2015 Class

Pictures of Our 2014 Class

Pictures of Our 2013 Class

For more on how you can HIKE SAFE THERE AND BACK please visit and read about hiker responsibility code. If you are a backpacker you may want to read about Hantavirus:

To encourage more hikers to become better prepared to meet wilderness emergencies the Executive Board of the Forty-Sixers may offer partial reimbursement for the tuition cost associated with completing and passing the Wilderness First Aid course. For details >>