Thanks to 2023 Trailhead Steward Program Volunteers

We have wrapped up our 2023 Trailhead Steward Program and want to send along a huge THANK YOU to all those who volunteered this year! 65 individual volunteers gave 1984 hours to the program!

We had 12,403 engagements at Cascade and Meadows Lane this year! Adding up the days at both sites we were able to be out there 104 days!

What a great way to reach over 12,000 hikers through impactful education and personal, experienced encouragement!

Come join us in 2024. Training’s for the year are scheduled for 4-21-24, 5-18-24, and 6-23-24.

Your Coordinator; Joe Ryan and Coordinator Team Brian Hoody, Ben Bradford, Heather Daly, and Laurie Rankin all thank you!.

Additionally, we wish to thank our partners at Tmax and Topos Hostel and the Town of Keene who provide us with storage for our materials.

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