How to become a Registered ADK 46er/ Winter ADK 46er/ Aspiring Forty-Sixer
Office of the Historian accepting Finisher Registrations online ONLY
Please note: The Office Of The Historian is no longer accepting finishers paperwork submitted by mail or by email. All paperwork received after December 31, 2021 will be returned to the finisher. All finisher paperwork must be completed and done by each individual on our new registration system on our new e-commerce website.
What is an ADK 46er? An ADK 46er refers to an individual who has climbed all 46 high peaks of the Adirondacks, completed the online registration form, received a climbing number, and submitted his or her $15 application fee! This is often referred to as the regular or 3 season round. These individuals are eligible to purchase non-winter emblem items in our online store.
What is a Winter 46er? An ADK Winter 46er refers to an individual who has climbed all 46 high peaks of the Adirondacks during the winter season (December 21 to March 21 inclusive), completed the online registration form, and submitted his or her $15 Winter application fee. An individual may become an ADK 46er having only completed a Winter round. A “W” will be added after your climbing number to signify this accomplishment. These individuals are eligible to purchase winter emblem items in our online store.
What is an Aspiring/Contributing Forty-Sixer? An Aspiring/Contributing Forty-Sixer refers to anyone actively working on climbing all 46 high peaks or wishes to contribute to the organization who has registered with our organization and pays annual dues. These members will receive our mailings (newsletters and Peeks Magazine); however, they will not be eligible to purchase emblem items in our online store.
How to Apply… What is Required?
Registration for New Finishers and Aspiring/Contributing Members can ONLY be accomplished online.
When new finishers register online and pay their application fee, they will promptly receive a climber number.
We encourage anyone who has hiked all 46 high peaks to register for their certificate and climbing number.
What to do when you climb all of the Adirondack 46 High Peaks:
For EACH individual climber who has climbed to the summit- and down again- of all 46 peaks:
Complete ALL required sections of the OFFICIAL finisher form available on the website and pay your $15 initial application fee for each new member.
It’s that easy!
Once you submit your finisher form and pay your dues, you should receive an “Official Letter of Congratulations” in a confirmation email with your assigned 46er climbing number. Once your letter is received, you will become eligible to purchase merchandise and emblem items in our online store.
Please make sure that the email you use on the form is an active email that you check regularly.
Please make sure that your mailing address is accurate.
Update us at: of any changes.
Each year’s class will close out at midnight on December 31st each year. Please submit your paperwork promptly in order to receive a lower climbing number.
Certificates of accomplishment will be presented during our annual Spring Gathering. For those not able to attend, certificates will be mailed soon after the event. Look for details regarding the spring event in the Spring Newsletter (sent in early April) and on our website. Reservations are required as space is usually limited.
What to do if you climb all of the Adirondack 46 High Peaks during the winter season (December 21-March 21 inclusive):
If you complete your Winter 46, please complete the online registration form with your winter climbing dates.
Once you submit your winter finisher form and your dues are up-to-date, you should receive an “Official Letter of Congratulations” in a confirmation email with your “W” to be added after your climbing number. Once your letter is received, you will become eligible to purchase winter merchandise and emblem items in our online store.
Winter certificates (which are different from climbing certificates) are mailed out periodically throughout the year as paperwork is received. Look for details on the website regarding dates for the annual Winter Dinner.
Questions? Email us at:
Creating Your Website Account & Paying Dues Online
Instructions: How to Create Your Website Account (PDF)
Instructions: Paying Your Dues Correctly Online (PDF)